Documenting the last few months left of my high school life!!

I wanna branch out but I dunno how!!!

Post, May 19, 2024

I wanna do something ambitious, something new when it comes to web design but i just don't know what. FUCK. I've also been considering programming some kind of joke virus or ransomware where the only way you get your shit back is by listening to 5 misfits or black flag songs and answering a small quiz about either band. Illegal? most likely. Morally questionable? maybe. It's just hard being so passionate about bands that have fanbases made up of mostly old men and or guys old enough to be your dad. I wanna talk to people my own age about the bands I like, but most people my age listen to the same taylor swift or generic rapper cookie-cutter garbage. It's fucking boring and it sucks. Not to mention, being told I make these bands my whole personality whenever I get passionate about talking about them feels disheartening and makes me just wanna leave whatever room we're currently in.

We all start somewhere, I guess.

Post, May 14, 2024 (edited 7:43 pm, 5/14/24)

I don't know whether to call this the beginning of the end or just the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I just got confirmation from my mom that I'll be seeing a psychiatrist during the summer after school ends to address some of my mental issues. hoping for the best. Things have been pretty alright for me, so maybe this can't possibly be that bad. Seeing a mental health professional is the only way I'll get help, anyways. I did pretty well this year in school, so I won't have to worry too much senior year. I'm also really sorry this page looks like a sloppy mess so far.